Shiloh Class of ’06 Reunion

Shiloh Class of '06 Reunion

The Shiloh Class of ’06 Reunion was planning a reunion and needed to spread the word. The Class of ’06 also wanted to tie in social media, integrate PayPal, utilize an RSVP form, and include Mail Chimp subscription.

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MowenWorks helped organize the ’06 Class Reunion website RSVP platform into a tool that can be used on a mobile and desktop device. We also connected to a PayPal account for donations and t-shirt purchases. The website also has a Mail Chimp newsletter integrated to keep visitors abreast of updates to the reunion.

We were able to get a mobile-friendly and very interactive website up and running in no time.

Some of the challenges that we came across was how do we capture the visitor information that is going to be used with the RSP and PayPal forms. Luckily Pay Pal has a decent API that allows you to pass along parameters when you purchase items. The real challenge was how to package that up and make it “Shiloh Class of ’06 Reunion” website ready. A few more pieces of functionality will be added later when the details of the Reunion are ironed out.

Some additional features will include

  • An interactive map to show locations of activities
  • Detailed information about events times and locations
  • Contact information and prices of additional events and activities
  • Ability to export or connect to a shared calendar

The underlying tech behind this website is vanilla PHP, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, and other tricks. It does respond visually on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer and allows visitors to quickly sign up on the go. The PHP files link into Mail Chimp, PapPal, and an email function that ties everything together. The users do get confirmation emails as well as newsletters that all can start from the ‘Shiloh Class of ’06 Reunion’ RSVP and information site.

Contact Us for more information to get started!


Shiloh Class of '06 Reunion

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