SharePoint 2010 RSS Viewer Stuck Loading….

I had a weird issue where my RSS Web Part all of a sudden stopped working. The “loading” GIF was the only thing that would display. BUT, if I put my page in a checked-out or Edit mode, the RSS would show correctly.

Loading RSS Feed web par takes forever...
Loading RSS Feed web part takes forever…

After some searching, I found a few sites/posts/forums that suggested to do the following:

  1. Add a Content Editor WebPart on the page with the RSS
  2. Paste the following as HTML
  3. Change the “Appearance” with Chrome Type= None
  4. Check-In and Publish


<Script Type="text/javascript">
function CustomUpdateFormDigest()
if(window._spPageContextInfo != null)
var $v_2 = window._spPageContextInfo;
var $v_3 = $v_2.webServerRelativeUrl;
var $v_4 = window._spFormDigestRefreshInterval;
UpdateFormDigest($v_3, $v_4);


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