MowenWorks Website Layout

I finally got around to creating a website layout for MowenWorks. I procrastinated pretty bad, but I rooted myself this weekend to get it done! It didn’t take long, I was just stupidly lazy.

Here’s what I got. Some tweaks are gonna happen. Layouts
New website layout

A few other things that I need to get done:

  • Business Cards
  • Update bank account information
  • Create WordPress Theme from layout above
  • Renew domain for 2 years

The good news is that I may have another client in the works. She’s a designer/model that needs some pretty cool effects done to her site and I think I’m the guy for her. We’re going back and forth with the requirements and the contract and I’m itching to get some creative juices flowing.

Some of the things that she wants look challenging, but it’s gonna be a learning experience. I’ll post what I’ve done for her when its done.

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