MowenWorks Reloaded?

It seems like its been a long time since was kicked off about 3 years ago. I even blogged about making the “Welcome Page” and talked about the pros and cons that I went through creating the site. Oh man, have I come a long way since then! I’ve gained knowledge and experience with SharePoint, WordPress, PHP, XSLT, jQuery, ASP.Net, and another pile of web-based technologies in that short time.

I thought I should upgrade my site to a PRO version and hack together something that flexes my abilities. The timer starts now. Lets see what I can do and how long it takes me.

I scrapped together some graphical mock-ups for myself to get a better idea of the flow and look of my new site.

MowenWorks concepts:

MowenWorks website layout #1.
MowenWorks website layout #1.
MowenWorks website layout concept #2
MowenWorks website layout concept #2
MowenWorks website layout concept #3.
MowenWorks website layout concept #3.

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