Mowen Works is born

My own personal web-firm goes live today. I created a “Welcome” page for the business to have something to show potential clients while I construct the main site. 

MowenWorks screenshot


The welcome page has a slide show that displays some examples from my infant portfolio. I used a 3rd party plug-in from

With every project I work on, big or small, there are always some snags. Some things I learned include: 

  • Document “flow” of the web page and positioning (relative vs absolute).
    • This screwed with my resolution changes of the page. Planning ahead would’ve made this easier.
  • jQuery sideshow implementation.
    • I used a 3rd party plugin that took a while to get working mainly b/c of inexperience.
  • Image positioning and display.
    • I had to made certain parts of the images transparent in an image editor, then make them the background of to create the effect I wanted.
  • Internet Explorer friendly styling.
    • There were some caveats as far as styling with IE vs Firefox vs Chrome. I learned that if I had it working in Firefox, more than likely IE would work.
    • Once Firefox works, you can use conditional comments to use a different style sheet or styles to make IE work.
  • Learning the basics of jQuery, such as the “$(document).ready(function()” command helps a good bit.

In all, I have the beginnings of a web presence. Now I need to start branding, marketing, and networking to get my company out there. 


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