KJ’s Social Project Goes Live


MowenWorks and The KJ’s Social Project partner up to deliver an online platform for the non-profit organization that brings awareness to the ever-prevalent issue of homelessness in the city of Atlanta. KJ’s Social Project help remind all that can hear that this situation can happen to anyone of us in a split second.

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MowenWorks created an online brochure that helps deliver their powerful messages, have a need to have visitor involvement as well as increase awareness of their cause. We were able to bring awareness to the organization and the cause that their organization represents. A bold yet compassionate website coupled with basic visitor call to actions, such as donate or RSVP, can help increase KJ’s Social Projects abilities to gain volunteers. KJ’s Social Project also has an effective mobile version that helps funnel visitors to important information.

KJ’s Social Project needed a way to help convert visitors into volunteer. One challenge we faced was how to convey the mission of the Project as well as encourage visitor interaction. We created a “Community” page that showcased what KJ’s Social Project is about and encouraged feedback.

Some additional features will include

  • Community page to showcase activities
  • Strong powerful images
  • Contact information
  • Integrated “Donate” option

The underlying tech behind this website is vanilla PHP, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, and other tricks. It does respond visually on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer and allows visitors to quickly visit the site and participate on the go. Visitors have the ability to contact the organizers through a third party contact form. A PayPal donation option is available for accepting donations.

Contact Us for more information to get started!




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