Japanese Earthquake and Reactors in That Region



The latest earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan may be one of the worst disasters to hit Japan since World War II. The nuclear power plant that was severely affected because of the earthquake and subsequent events following may impact the Nuclear Industry. For the better or for the worse? Its too early to tell.


The NEI is doing a good job of representing the Nuclear Industry here in America. The NEI is also the public voice of the event from America. There are other organizations and groups speaking about the events, but the NEIs messages are trying their hardest to convey up to date facts about the event.

For more information about updates and news from the NEI, you can visit their events page here: http://www.nei.org/newsandevents/information-on-the-japanese-earthquake-and-reactors-in-that-region/

Their FAQ page should also be read in order to get a brief overview of what is happening and what happened.

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