Content Query Web Parts (CQWP) “New” Item Notification

One of my recent projects was to redesign (update) our internal home page with the functionality of SharePoint 2007. We use the home page to convey information to our employees about the Nuclear Industry, business news, organizational news, or other work related information.

Sure, why not. Lets pop on the page a few Content Query Web Parts (CQWP) and set the queries to pull what we need based on the business rules. *dust off hands*

But what if we need the users to know which item is “new” versus something that is much much older? We can’t have our visitors guess, we need some sort of indicator. SharePoint has that cute little icon appear next to the titles. Why isn’t this being display with my CQWP results!?

Well, let me show you how I did it for our Home Page needs.

Web Part Property Pane “OK Cancel Apply” Buttons Display Issue

When creating a Master Page for your SharePoint site, you need to add the placeholder for your future or current Page Layouts. Most people use the Minimal Master Page that can be found throughout the internet, some from Microsoft and from others who have made their own.

The problem with a lot of the popular Minimal Master Pages is that they do not have ALL of the needed parts. Specifically the proper way to include the Page Layout place holder.

If you use the minimal code along with your valid CSS/HTML you may find that your Web Part property page cutting off from the bottom when in Edit Mode of your publishing page. The “OK Cancel Apply” bottom row will seem to disappear.