Damage Control

Computers = headaches. Especially when they crash. AND it has everything you have worked on for the past 3 months. AND you dont have backups. AND you have something due in 2 weeks. Stupid computers…

Softening the blow of when a workstation crashes can make or break your startup in its early stages. It’s inevitable, but you can do things to pick yourself back up from that nasty little crash. It can be a pain to do, but little things like weekly backups can save you a major headace in the future.

Website Projects

Starting a new web project takes proper planning, milestone definitions, and a reasonable scope. Every project I have been on, at work or with my own business, almost always increase in scope and size beyond the initial talks. To keep everything together and to make sure we don’t have a runaway project, we can use tools to help keep everything together.

The first contact with the client tends to be the hardest as it gets a general idea and direction for a project. Tools can help you organize and better plan the project from the start and keep you on the right path. Everything from defining the needs of the project and legal to testing and billing needs to be done. Getting a project started can be overwhelming, but planning eases the process.

I’ll take you through the steps I go though when I take on a project with MowenWorks.